Labour Women’s Network exists to secure the election of more Labour women to public office at every level and to support Labour women to play a full part in the Party. They needed a NationBuilder website that presented the different strands of their work in a clear and navigable way, was easy to maintain and had built in flexibility that didn't require coding knowledge.
- Optimising the user journey
- Automatically adjusting image styles
- Grid landing pages to showcase sub content
- A stylish home for there training courses
Optimising the user journey
Labour Women's Network were having problems keeping track of how people were interacting with their existing site. We did a full assessment of the user flow to make sure any interactions were properly recorded, tagged correctly and GDPR compliant. That way future communication with their audience could be tailored to their area of interest with full confidence that they had given the right permission.
Automatic image styles to suit the content
Labour Women's Network had three notable featured image styles for different content types; news, events and documents, each of which required a different display style. For example, a news post might be a photograph, an event might be a flyer, and a document might be an image of the front cover. The available space for the featured image is always the same letterbox format so we wanted a way to best fit image types to that format without the need for resizing and reworking within Photoshop. We achieved this by having the uploader specify which type of display they wanted by appending a word to the image file name. If the file name contained 'flyer' that image would be contained within the featured image area at 80% size with a drop shadow applied. Similarly if the file name contained 'document' the image would be styled according to the specified document style. Otherwise the image would just fill the available space.
Grid landing pages to showcase sub content
Labour Women's Network had some distinct sections to their site that needed some form of index page. For example the 'About' page acts as an index for a series of sub content related to the organisation, it's aims, it's past, it's organisational structure etc. We set up a system where by an administrator could tag that index page with the word 'grid_page'. This then meant that 'About' now displayed all sub pages as grid items with a title, excerpt, featured image and the option to click through for more detail.
Promoting the Labour Women's Network training courses.
Labour Women's Network run training courses which needed to me clearly display and promoted on the site. We created an easy to up date, archive of current courses which could be added and removed at will. The latest three courses were automatically pulled through to a custom home page layout for better promotion.
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